Monster’s Heart

Can a witch with self-esteem issues reach this monster’s heart?


It’s the end of the term at Blackthorn Academy, and I’m just as invisible now as I was on day one. But what did I expect? 

I still don’t know where my talents lie and for the Cordoza Coven that is a huge no. I’m a plus-sized nobody with my head in the clouds. No wonder I’m barely passing. 

Lucky me, Professor Ewan is offering extra credit to students who can chart their path to love by the Spring Equinox Festival. It’s a long shot, but it’s that or fail.


No one at Blackthorn knows who I am, and that’s fine with me. I’m not there to make friends. A direct descendant of Mani, the Norse God of the Moon, I’ve got bigger things to worry about than having a social life.

But when a curvy witch asks me to tutor her, how can I refuse? She is unlike anyone I have ever met. Bold, yet shy. Beautiful, but insecure. Meeting her has changed everything.

Can this curvy temptress capture my heart, or am I doomed to walk the night alone?

Monster’s Heart is book thirteen in the Blackthorn Academy for Supernaturals shared world, featuring a curvy Lunar Witch in danger of flunking out, an incognito Asgardian Monster with control issues, and more.

Popular Tropes

Fated Mates, Curvy Plus Size Heroines, Monster Romance, Academy Romance, Tortured Hero, Beauty and the Beast

Series Reviews

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I had planned to start this book tonight, and ended up binge reading the whole thing. It had so many of my favorite tropes in it! Curvy FMC, fated mates, so many swoony steamy scenes. Sten brought out all of Amrin’s feistiness, and it was so much fun to watch it all unfold. I really have been enjoying the Blackthorn Academy series, and this one can definitely be read as a standalone. Don’t sleep on the series, though! It’s a great way to discover new authors! Anyway, Amrin and Stan’s story is full of angsty moments, steamy love scenes, and lots of action. You will not want to put this down! Be sure to block out at least an hour or so….” -Bookbub Reviewer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “He’s hiding from his future. She’s hiding from her family. It’s fate that brings them together, but it’s the stars that brings them together. It’s also the stars and moon that make them stronger together. Interesting that shes not the witch her family expected but the perfect one for this monster. This time the school head really does bring together fated mates. Though he never given anyone a chance to get in his way 😁. This story is an attention holder.” -Bookbub Reviewer

Spirit Witch

The quest to save magic is nearing its end as deprivation sickness takes hold at Westwood Academy; will an unlikely hero be enough to save all witch kind?

Enid Morrigan has a lot to learn about who she is, and what better place to do it than Westwood Academy?
Though new to the world of magic, Enid has always been a little strange. Seeing and hearing the dead is something she would not wish on her worst enemy, but it has always been a part of her life.
Secret spells and wards surrounding Westwood have efficiently blocked off her gifts—or curses, as she always thought of them. But what happens when her newfound friends need her to open up her powers? Is she strong enough to face her demons in order to save all magic?
Good thing she is not alone. With Rio, Maia, Tana, Jade, and Mabe on her side, Enid and their mates track down a Lorekeeper who might be able to help. Spiritwalker Judge Dusek is a trained guide helping magic users navigate their paths. It doesn’t hurt that he’s sexy-as-sin, but will his pushy, blunt ways be too much for the soft-spoken witch?
There’s too much at stake for Enid to back down now.
Welcome to Westwood Academy. Forget what you know and let your magic run wild.

Popular Tropes

Fated Mates, Curvy Heroine, Witch Academy Romance, Psychic Romance, Scarred Past

Series Reviews

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Enid has never really fit in and didn’t know her place, so much in her mind is left boggled… The other witches of course love her, and she knows she has friends. I was so happy to see Enid finally get her story. There is so much in her memories that needed to come out and whoop boy does it ever.” -Bookbub Reviewer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “As expected I got so wrapped up in the storyline I could not stop reading till the end. I felt Enid’s heartache, fears and pain. As the 6th witch, when her memories start returning and reuniting with her soul mate, her magic is unlocked and the new coven is complete. The ending brought revelations and a nasty twist, but a happy ending.” -Bookbub Reviewer

Blood Witch

♛ Appetites increase when there’s blood on the moon over Westwood Academy, will the hunted become the hunter before it’s over? ♛

Everyone thinks Mabe Marlow is a total freak when she is forced to skip classes due to her special condition. Making friends for the first time in her life is rough, but being alone is so much worse for the blood witch—not to mention everyone else. Her thirst for blood is growing, and Mabe is caught between wanting to run away and learning to accept help.

When the Council of Covens sends an Enforcer to track down rumors of a witch using blood magic, Mabe is forced to decide between a rock and a hard place. She doesn’t want to leave Westwood Academy, but what choice does she have? She can either go, give herself up, or risk the only friends she has ever had.
Can she prove she’s not a threat to magic and get the rune-marked Enforcer to back off? Maybe. But there’s a catch—Mabe might be more dangerous than any of them think.

Scars run deep for this solitary witch who’s seen more than a woman her age ought. She’s come too far to back down now, but learning to trust others with her truth just might be the toughest lesson of all.

♛ Welcome to Westwood Academy. Forget what you know and let your magic run wild. ♛

Popular Tropes

Fated Mates, Curvy Heroines, Witch Academy, Shifter Romance, Witch Romance, Secret Curse

Series Reviews

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I literally devoured this book in a single evening. I have not read any academy books for a while, as they seemed to bore me after a while. This one seemed different from the start. I loved Rio and her difficult start to a new chapter in her life. Totally innocent concerning the politics of her new world, I loved watching her try to find her way. I am on tenterhooks now waiting for the next story!” -Bookbub Reviewer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “A fascinating read, with magic, love, family that you want to hate and friends you want as family, all mixed up in a story of seeking your own path and denying those who would steal your very essence away from you for their own gains. I can’t wait to read the next book and see what happens with the next character in the series. I would recommend this book to all who love magic and an underdog fighting for their freedom, finding love and friendship along the way, as well as belief in themselves and their growing powers.” -Bookbub Reviewer

GK Bundle 7

The Grazi Kelly Novel Series Bundle

Teenage Werewolves. Demons. Witches. A Curse that must end.

Journey into the Grazi Kelly Universe with this heart pounding Young Adult Urban Fantasy series featuring teen Werewolf Maria Graziana Kelly, aka Grazi, as she comes of age and learns the truth behind the mystery of who she really is.

Join teenager Grazi Kelly as she embarks on the a journey that will change her life forever! Will she unravel the mystery surrounding her parents’ death? Learn what it means to truly be part of a Wolf Pack? Discover friendship and true love along the way. Begin the journey today.

*Get all 6 books in the Grazi Kelly Novel Series for 30% off when you grab this exclusive BUY DIRECT BUNDLE! Orders will be delivered via BookFunnel email. Just download to your favorite app and READ!


Wolf Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #1“Hi. My name is Grazi Kelly. There are things I know are true and things that I never would have guessed. First, demons and witches exist and they are evil. Second, the world is up for grabs and the witches are getting their minions ready. Third, I’m a werewolf and it’s my job to stop them.”
Hunter Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #2“Being a teenage girl is difficult. Being a teenage Werewolf is almost impossible. A few weeks ago I found out that I’m a Werewolf. Yup, that’s right. I tend to get furry around the full moon. Don’t believe me? Well, it only gets more fantastic from here.
Rebel Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #3“From school nerd to Werewolf girl. It was quite a change after all. I ran hard for all those changes, all my mixed feelings. I could do little but accept them. They were a part of me now.”
Winter Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #4 – “It was difficult to remember the girl I used to be when my Wolf instincts were at the forefront as they were now. I closed my eyes and counted backwards...”
Chasing the Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #5 – On the mend after the battle of St. Lucy’s Day, teen Werewolf Grazi Kelly is on the run. The Hounds of God have been disbanded, the High Council wants her captured, and what’s left of the Scarred Sisters Coven want her dead. Grazi finds herself far away from her family and everything she has ever known.
Blood Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #6“Everyone always says how big the ocean is, but those are just empty words until you actually see it. It was honestly and truly the biggest thing I’d ever seen. I’d visited the Jersey Shore a time or two as a kid but sitting on a crowded beach and looking out over the water from the deck of a ship were two very different things. I liked the beach, don’t get me wrong, but this was something else.”

*This Young Adult Urban Fantasy series is a set of clean reads that are the foundation for my Grazi Kelly Universe. Contains mild violence.

Popular Tropes

Chosen One, Werewolf Curse, Coming of Age, Secret Magical World, Fated Mates

Series Reviews

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “When you are a 15 year old nerdy loner, an orphan, bullied by your own cousin, and find out you are not only a werewolf, but a pretty special one, that’s just one more thing to deal with in teenagerhood. I can tell, I’m going to love this series!” -Bookbub Reviewer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Grazi finds out there’s more to her than she thought. She runs faster and other things. There are also bodies piling up and there trying go uncover what’s been going on. This is a great shifter read as well as a mystery. I am loving this series right from the first page until the last. I love getting to know this character. I can see the scenes as well in my minds eye as well I can visualize as I read. This book is fantastic it is epic a definite must read.”-Bookbub Reviewer

Earth Witch

Emotions run amok at Westwood Academy when a healer and an earth witch crash together.

Jade Montrose was just an average earth witch living her average life until she arrived at Westwood Academy. Everything changes when she and her roommates discover a magical conspiracy involving The Council of Covens. Now it’s up to Jade and her friends to figure out a way to stop it.
Time for this easygoing earth witch to grow something besides plants—like a spine.

After an injury sends her to the infirmary, Jade finds herself irresistibly drawn to student healer, Arlo Glenn. But why would the smoldering blond wizard be attracted to a curvy earth witch? What she needs is a healthy dose of self-esteem to change her outlook. Is Arlo willing to help with that?

Welcome to Westwood Academy. Forget what you know and let your magic run wild.

Popular Tropes

Fated Mates, Curvy Heroines, Witch Academy, Shifter Romance, Witch Romance, Secret Curse

Series Reviews

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I literally devoured this book in a single evening. I have not read any academy books for a while, as they seemed to bore me after a while. This one seemed different from the start. I loved Rio and her difficult start to a new chapter in her life. Totally innocent concerning the politics of her new world, I loved watching her try to find her way. I am on tenterhooks now waiting for the next story!” -Bookbub Reviewer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “A fascinating read, with magic, love, family that you want to hate and friends you want as family, all mixed up in a story of seeking your own path and denying those who would steal your very essence away from you for their own gains. I can’t wait to read the next book and see what happens with the next character in the series. I would recommend this book to all who love magic and an underdog fighting for their freedom, finding love and friendship along the way, as well as belief in themselves and their growing powers.” -Bookbub Reviewer

The Hybrid Assassin

Hybrid Shifter. Assassin. Outcast.

This assignment might change her future…

Like others in the League, I was designed to be a hollow killing machine. Taught to have no feelings, no desires, no dreams of my own.
That part was easy when you were a loner. I did not need friends. I just wanted to survive.
Unlike the rest, I was classified as a mistake.
Created in the Lab by a foolish scientist who’d been killed for his failure on the day I first Shifted into the hybrid monster he’d given me, I was a living, breathing error. The Director and Avalonia never failed to remind me of my shortcomings, as did everyone else in the Assassin compound in the realm of Icarus.
ERR394N was my designation. I had no name. Nothing personal to humanize me to my handlers. I was a weapon, and I was good at my job, obeying orders, and taking lives.
I learned early to hone my skills. Hacking difficult systems, burning through firewalls, and uncovering secrets were only parts of my talents. I was an expert marksman, too. What could I say? For a Shifter, I liked guns.
But even my prowess could not save me from drawing the jobs no one else wanted. My latest assignment was supposed to be easy.
Go to Earth. End the target.
Only everything went sideways the moment I saw him. He was the one person who was not supposed to exist—my fated mate.
Both our lives were now in danger. Unless I could stop it.

Popular Tropes

First POV, Fated Mates, Sassy Heroine, Shifter Romance, Insta-Love, Secret Magic World, Witches

Series Reviews

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Grown in a lab by a mad scientist, never had a name, a killing machine… She knows what to do, until…her heart won’t allow it? What heart… Davi has been the rock that held his misfit together. Now he has to fight for more than just his sisters. But when the fates say you are meant to be well you battle till the end. I loved this story. I love Hybrids, and this one gives us a bit of everything. We get also get the mention of characters from previous books by this author.” -Bookbub Reviewer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Oh wow!! This was so good! Completely absorbing from page 1. Davian was a witch who after the death of his adoptive mother took on the care of his 3 sisters who were witch/shifters. Erryn was a hybrid assassin created in a lab by mistake who was sent to kill Davian. From the first second she knew he was her mate. They needed to work together to escape her life, his death and keep the girls safe. Fast paced, well written, hot, steamy story with amazing chemistry, danger, suspense, true love and a wonderful HEA.” -Bookbub Reviewer

Monster’s Kiss

Will a curvy necromancer succumb to a monster’s kiss?

I spent my childhood avoiding things that went bump in the night. Not an easy feat, considering I saw ghosts. Ignoring the dead was part of my daily routine.

After dozens of visits with doctors, hypnotists, and priests forced on me by my aunt and uncle, I’d learned to keep quiet. It wasn’t until I received my invitation to Blackthorn Academy that I finally felt hope.

Ever since I arrived, I’ve felt someone watching me. Glowing eyes pierced the darkness, always trailing after me, but whenever I turned to confront the owner of those eyes—poof—he was gone. Like magic.

I didn’t know my mystery stalker, but at least I wasn’t alone anymore.

Cursed with an insatiable thirst, I’ve spent decades searching for the one who can sate my desire for blood. I thought all hope was lost until she arrived at Blackthorn Academy.

The second I scented her, I knew she was mine. Now, I just have to convince her. There is only one question. Can this beauty learn to love a beast?

Monster’s Kiss is book one in the Blackthorn Academy for Supernaturals shared world, featuring a curvy necromancer new to the supernatural world, and a Viking revenant suffering from an unimaginable curse!

Popular Tropes

Fated Mates, Curvy Plus Size Heroines, Monster Romance, Academy Romance, Tortured Hero, Beauty and the Beast

Series Reviews

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I like the fact that this is a young adult romance but the characters weren’t brought across as too childish or too worldly either, they were really well-crafted. The story itself is very well-written and it kept me glued to the pages from start to finish.” -Bookbub Reviewer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “He is destined to a life of pain and loneliness until the arrival of Serena changes everything. Fantastic , gripping story with amazing chemistry, magic, danger, true love and a beautiful HEA.” -Bookbub Reviewer

Fire Witch

Can Westwood Academy handle the blazing inferno that erupts when these two touch?

Tana McKenna learned not to trust anyone early in life. Closed off and guarded, she just wants to control her element and get on with her life—alone. But her wacky roommates don’t seem to get the picture.

Since when did different elementals room together, anyway? Something very strange is going on at Westwood Academy, and Tana is determined to root it out.

The only problem is getting past the sentinels—one in particular. She does not know why Brandon Flint’s steel-eyed gaze seems to follow her wherever she goes, or why the knowledge of his steady stare kindles something deep inside her.

His quiet observation is driving her mad. And if there’s one witch you don’t want to get emotional, it’s her. Temperamental does not begin to describe Tana or her flaky control over her element.

Will she master her magic before it gets out of control?

Find out in Fire Witch!

Welcome to Westwood Academy. Forget what you know and let your magic run wild.

Popular Tropes

Fated Mates, Curvy Heroines, Witch Academy, Shifter Romance, Witch Romance, Secret Curse

Series Reviews

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I literally devoured this book in a single evening. I have not read any academy books for a while, as they seemed to bore me after a while. This one seemed different from the start. I loved Rio and her difficult start to a new chapter in her life. Totally innocent concerning the politics of her new world, I loved watching her try to find her way. I am on tenterhooks now waiting for the next story!” -Bookbub Reviewer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “A fascinating read, with magic, love, family that you want to hate and friends you want as family, all mixed up in a story of seeking your own path and denying those who would steal your very essence away from you for their own gains. I can’t wait to read the next book and see what happens with the next character in the series. I would recommend this book to all who love magic and an underdog fighting for their freedom, finding love and friendship along the way, as well as belief in themselves and their growing powers.” -Bookbub Reviewer

TAT Files

The Angela Tanner Files

Read Books 1 & 2 of this Grazi Kelly Universe series and learn more about Grazi’s best friend, teen Witch, Angela Tanner.

Casting Magic

The reality may change everything.

Things in Northern New Jersey just got a little more intense for Angela Tanner. She is a Witch who hasn’t come into her powers yet, but things go full speed ahead when her father is accused of a crime he didn’t commit.

Enter Jody Nieves. The tall, dark, and powerful Guardian is sent to fetch her and observe as she tries to clear her father’s name. He does more than that, he wakes up a part of her she never dreamed existed.

Can she save her father in time, trust that Jody’s attentions are genuine, and discover the truth about her own powers?

Keeping Magic

Sometimes the truth comes at a cost…

Teenage Witch Angela Tanner is learning to control her powers, but it’s not as easy as it looks. Especially when everything points to her being a Fire Witch. Is her awesome power a gift or a curse?

That’s something she must find out. At least she’s not alone. She has the help of her own personal Guardian, Jody Nieves. Together, they set out on a journey to discover the truth behind her powers.

Can she learn control in time to save herself?

*This special edition is AVAILABLE outside my website IN PRINT only. You can purchase the ebooks separately here. Or Buy The Angela Tanner Files duet ebook and/or print Book when you click Buy Direct.

Happy Reading!

Popular Tropes

Chosen One, Werewolf Curse, Witch, Coming of Age, Secret Magical World, Fated Mates

Series Reviews

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Wow what a fantastic read. A Fantastic read that takes you into a different world as a getaway. If you love Magic and a fast paced read that has you on the edge of your seat then this is definitely for you. This Author has hit a home run.” -Bookbub Reviewer
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I really loved this book! Wowza! I didn’t know what to think at first because truth be told I had no idea what to expect since this is a young adult title. Now, since this is written by literally one of the best authors in the paranormal romance category I knew I would still be in for a treat!”-Bookbub Reviewer

G’Witches: Books 1-3


The Fairchild triplets Olivia, Esme and Agatha have earned a scholarship to the MAGNIFICO FINISHING SCHOOL FOR MAGICAL ARTS, but these witches keep havin’ glitches!

Get all three G’Witches Magical Mysteries in one beautifully formatted omnibus.



G’Witches 2: The Harpy Harbinger

G’Witches 3: Summoning Secrets

Hidden from street view yet occupying several acres of prime real estate in the heart of Manhattan, a powerful centuries old spell keeps the towering silver spires and majestic structure from being viewed by “ORDS” aka “Ordinarius ” -the non-magical population.

Determined to win high honors, they have a history of mixing up spells with sometimes hilarious and sometimes dangerous results!

On their best behavior, and with their mutually shared and adored BFF Audra, and her brother Melvin, they plan to please Uncle Rufus, their doting Guardian, and achieve the kind of excellence in the Magic Arts that would have made their parents proud!

Friendly feuding and frolicking abound in this tale of magical mischief!

Popular Tropes

Witch Academy, Mysterious Secrets, Magical Shenanigans, Spells Gone Awry

Series Reviews

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “These three young witches are hilarious but they are honest, hard-working, and are trying to do whatever they can to keep their uncle happy. He took them in after the death of their parents, and by the grace of good grades, they got into a top-notch finishing school for the magical arts. However, these three are anything but top-notch.” -Bookbub Reviewer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Well, where to start! I’m 100% a huge life fan of C.D. Gorri, so I will read any book from her. This is my first time reading anything from P. Mattern. I know this was a collaboration and I think it was very well done. This isn’t my normal kind of book that I read but like I said I will always support one of my favorite authors Gorri. So when I saw that she was teaming up to write this book I decided to check it out. These triplets were something else! I know this was a YA title and there were some strong themes here lol but it was also watered down and it was very funny. The sibling rivalry these girls had had me shaking my head with laughter. Like I said, this isn’t the kind of book I read but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a throwback to Hogwarts, so if you like magic and witchcraft and teenage shenanigans you’ll like this book…” -Bookbub Reviewer